Being vegan, for those who don't know it, is nowadays a real way of life which aims particularly at privileging the respect of animals. Becoming more and more present, we can now eat, dress and even tattoo ourselves vegan.
Vegan tattoo: what is it exactly?
If you are on the side of those people who exclude at all costs the exploitation of animals? If you are one of those people who fight in favor of animals, who fight against the abusive exploitation of these beings? Then you are simply a vegan. From this perspective, in recent years, veganism has gained momentum in France and especially around the world. More specifically, it has become a very active movement that even extends to the tattoo industry. And although these cosmetic products are not derived from animals, they are not organic and natural. In fact, it has been possible for some time to get a tattoo without having to use products of animal origin or that have been tested on animals. Many people are unaware of this, but the majority of products used for tattooing include substances of animal origin. However, you may find the two most famous brands in the world for the sale and distribution of vegan tattoo ink at Eternal Ink- and Silverback.
The vegan tattoo, a very fashionable choice
We have all noticed that veganism is slowly making its way into the daily life of man. And even if the majority of vegan tattooed people don't ask too much about the products used during the session, understand that the colors of the inks are often from animals. As trendy as it is, if you don't want to end up with animal substances under your skin, take a look at tattoo parlors and choose only vegan tattoos. And although it's hard to find the right products to choose, you might as well trust a professional artist to find the right cosmetics that match your body type very quickly. Also said, vegan friendly salons are the place to be. As such, if you are among those people who are aware of the cause of animals, favor the inks of Fuzion Tatto Ink, Waverly Color Co. And as a tip, always talk to your tattoo artist before embarking on the session in question.
A specific vegan tattoo: countless advantages
The first undeniable advantage of this type of tattoo is undoubtedly the fact that you remain in harmony with yourself and with the animals as well of course. And even in front of these advantages, it is not necessary either to forget to think of all the material that there is around during the realization of the session. Democratizing years after years, the inks of tattoo said vegan are used by the artists without even knowing that they have this incontestable characteristic. The majority of the tattooers proceed then for their training to tattoos on synthetic skins. For its part, the special vegan tattoo inks are composed of charcoal, glycerin, gelatin but also shellac. Moreover, don't forget that even today, no regulation is imposed on this movement which has become very democratized. Also, it has the same basic principle as the other types of tattoos, once finished, it requires a good cicatrization and very particular care allowing you to avoid the various infections which can occur later. Hygiene must also be present at this stage.